Butoh - The Art Of Integrity

Butoh-työpaja syyskuu 2016, Osku Leinonen ja Masha Salangina

The body is always concrete

Butoh is a form of physical and psychological training and an intriguing performance method. While shockingly, perhaps even humorously unruly, it is also holily traditional to the point of being ritualistic. Butoh can remind us of archaic, ancient tunes, colors, and repercussions of the past, which we cannot quite put into words, but which touch our inner landscape. Still, Butoh is very concrete. The body is always concrete, never abstract. In Butoh, experience, and body, not shape or aesthetic agreement, make up the fundamentals of training and performing. The body itself is highly influential and enriched with experiences. In Butoh, we find experiences during which we cannot but be amazed by our resilience, diversity, and strength, each being born from our starting point.

Humans are extremely hungry for stimuli

What is essential in Butoh is that the need to prove something or verify one’s existence subsides. Additionally, the hunger to maintain this feeling of existence with constant feedback and stimuli abates. Butoh, as a form of training and performing, can provide this soothing experience to its experiences. Humans are extremely hungry for stimuli, and society responds to this in many ways. It is, therefore, healthy and healing to get a break from this flood of stimuli and learn that, even if the self is not constantly being reinforced against the noisy outer world, you do not disappear. Butoh is a skill that enables us to see things more calmly and clearly by listening to our inner wisdom using the body and mind. Butoh is silence and stillness, movement of presence, and laughter of acceptance.

Butoh provides experiences and streams of thought that can support daily life's positive side, strengthening integrity and well-being. A person’s relationship with the world starts with oneself, and Butoh’s acceptance of responsibility prepares us for the world through integral experience. As a result, the relationship between oneself and the world can become less contradictory, and while responsibility towards oneself grows, understanding of one’s survival strengthens.

Butoh as an Art of Integrity

Butoh, as humanity, resembles a way of life or philosophy, or it can be perceived as a principle or attitude towards things, movement, existence, or art. One focus of Butoh is to provide a method of approaching people and living things without being a norm or a system. In my opinion, the only thing Butoh can demand from a person is knowledge of oneself, which gives birth to responsibility for life and honesty. What factors could be more important in art or life?

Butoh, as an art of integrity, manages to unite its doer, receiver, and society, nurturing the (collective) soul. It is one path for psychological growth. Butoh and Butoh dancers aim for this by growing towards clarity, harmony, and beauty, approaching life’s many facets without criticism. Butoh, as performance or practice, can positively contribute to a person’s self-image, helping to build an integral individual.

Health is a Flowing State

Health is a flowing state, not a fixed definition, and so-called excellent and bad matters and toils are part of human life. Nevertheless, throughout one’s life, one can feel or experience that they are a healthy, living, integral individual.

The Butoh dancer moves and transforms toward this cleansed state of being, existence, authentic self, and moment. Butoh allows us to pursue this experience and will enable it to affect our lives. It does not need to stop when we pause from practice. This is part of Butoh’s integral, healing, and energizing power. Osku Leinonen 2012

Visualising Butoh Dance

Imageworks by Osku Leinonen oskuleinonenphotography.com


Art, in its most natural state, provides integrative experiences which are beyond good or bad, free of criticism or expectations to succeed, to do things the right way. This is Art of Integrity.
Osku Leinonen

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